Meet The Declutter Queen

Who I am

My name is Victoria from Poole in Dorset. I am a qualified psychotherapist with over 20 years experience helping people through a variety of issues.

My transition to decluttering and house organisation was very organic. I realised there was a very strong link between mental health and the environment in which we live. I am extremely passionate about people living in a clutter free environment to enhance both their mental and physical wellbeing.

I believe that an organised home is a reflection of an organised mind, and by creating a space that is free of clutter and chaos, individuals can experience increased productivity, reduced stress, and a greater sense of peace. Through my training in psychotherapy, I also offer support and guidance to clients as they navigate the emotional challenges that may arise during the organising process.

Whether you are looking to create a more functional and efficient living space, or seeking support in addressing the underlying emotional factors that contribute to clutter, I am here to help. Together, we can transform your home into a sanctuary that nurtures your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.

What I do

I will help you gain control over your belongings in whichever area of your house needs attention. This will begin with an edit of your belongings, which I will need you present for. After that I categorise, contain, label and then organise into the space. I will also give you hints and tips to help you maintain your organised and clutter-free house.

Other services include:

  • A house moving service. This includes decluttering pre-move, unpacking your items and then optimising your storage space in your new home.

  • A bereavement service. Dealing with the loss of a close family member or friend can be incredibly challenging. While I can’t take away the loss, I can help you with the practical side of sorting through and removing belongings. I can also organise the auction or selling of items with value

  • A house staging service. Removing clutter and showcasing storage can have a huge impact on making your property look the best it can.

  • Paperwork service. Editing and categorising household paperwork